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Coaching Tennis

For many years, those coaching tennis have relied on teaching theoretical physical skills to students seeking to improve their game. They relied on tennis coaching drills that taught strokes as a series of complicated, hard to memorize movements, rather than one smooth action. As a result, many students found themselves more confused than when they started. Often, they were left feeling that, in order to succeed, they had to “forget” everything they ever knew, and replace that knowledge with something “better.”

Coaching Tennis

Tennis Warrior doesn’t believe in wiping the slate clean. Headed by Tom Veneziano, a teaching pro for over 25 years, we strive to teach students how to utilize the skills they already have to play better. More importantly, we teach players to differentiate between theoretical skills and those that actually have practical worth. We also take time on our website to debunk common myths surrounding the game, and how this translates into actual playing.

Any tennis coach can cover technical skills. And, if you want to learn some for yourself, picking up a book on basic skills probably isn’t a bad idea. However, transferring them to real life—and understanding how to and when to use them—is another story. Remember, technical skills are important. However, following them by the book isn’t always possible. Nor is it always recommended.

That’s where we come in.

Not only do we offer a variety of information on our website from Mr. Veneziano, we also offer visitors the following items free of charge:

  • Monthly online lessons
  • Myths surrounding the game
  • Overview of developing mental toughness
  • Links to other sites that can help your game
  • An interview with Mr. Veneziano concerning the game and coaching tennis.

Having been a tennis coach over 25 years, Mr. Veneziano offers a wealth of information at your fingertips—all at a fraction of the normal cost. Consider this: The average lesson can cost upwards of $50-$100 an HOUR. Through the resources and products on our site, visitors can access literally hundreds of hour’s worth of lessons starting at less than $20.

Lessons don’t have to cost a fortune to be effective. They just have to be right. And they must allow players the ability to utilize their own underlying skills without “wiping the slate clean.” Are you interested in learning a new perspective on coaching tennis? Visit www.tenniswarrior.com today to learn more.

  Tom Veneziano
My Wimbledon Radio Interview
Real player

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( 7 minutes ) 

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The Ultimate Tennis Warrior Package Including T-Shirt
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