Myth - Keeping your eye on the ball to hit the sweet spot of your racket.
Truth - Keeping your eye on the ball does not make you hit the sweet spot of your racket. Many times when players miss hit you hear them say, "keep your eye on the ball." Sounds logical, but it is not true! It is your JUDGMENT that helps you hit the sweet spot of your racket, not keeping your eye on the ball.
When your judgment improves you do not even have to follow the ball right into the strings! How do you think a pro hits the ball from behind his back? He never sees the ball hit the strings, but he hits the sweet spot anyway. How does he do this? It's judgment!
Stop thinking that keeping your eye on the ball will make you hit the sweet spot of your racket. It will not! At best keeping your eye on the ball gives your brain information about the flight of the ball and eventually, with time, your judgment will improve. Repetition is the only way to improve judgment. Seeing the ball over and over and over again will eventually improve your judgment. When your judgment improves you will be able to follow the ball with your eyes automatically. The better your judgment, the easier it will be to keep your eye on the ball!
You can keep your eye on the ball all you want, but if your judgment is poor you will see the ball with perfect clarity as it travels right on past your racket and hits the back fence! Keeping your eye on the ball to hit the sweet spot of your racket is a result of many hours of practice. Just to keep your eye on the ball in itself will not make you hit the sweet spot...sorry! |